Frequently Asked Questions

Why choose Mindful Mama Peaceful Babe?

It’s simple. You need sleep and I know how to make that happen. But why choose me over any other Certified Pediatric Sleep Consultant? I could go on about my education, my certification, or my experience working with families but really, my approach is what sets me apart. The sleep plan I will create for your child is rooted in science, evidence-based, and covers everything you need to know; that alone will lead you to success. But bringing a mindfulness twist adds a whole additional opportunity for trust building and bonding within your family. I see sleep training as an amazing opportunity for your child to learn something new, that you are teaching them and supporting them through. It will strengthen your relationship with your child and help them develop a sense of accomplishment and self-esteem. Your confidence in them will boost their confidence in themselves. This is an opportunity to connect with your child and demonstrate the guiding role you play, even in the youngest of babes.

I’m not located near you, can you still help me?

Yes! Thankfully, technology allow me to work with clients anywhere.  Although I would love to meet you in person, we can communicate via phone, video calls, text, and e-mail.

What happens during a sleep consultation?

First, I ask that you complete a comprehensive intake form so I can learn about your family & parenting philosophy and get a good understanding of where your problem areas might be. Then we will connect via phone or zoom to discuss how sleep training can help you and we will mutually decide upon a plan of action that makes sense for your family and suits your child. You will recieve a customized sleep plan specific for your child within two days of our call, giving you the guidance and tools you need to get started. I will be supporting you and coaching you throughout the process via phone and email, helping you handle any rough spots along the way.

How early can I begin sleep training my child?

Sixteen weeks is the earliest that we can begin formally sleep training. However, you can start implementing healthy habits and good sleep routines from Day 1 with your new baby. The Prenatal & Newborn Call is a great educational resource if your babe is under four months and you’re wanting to start laying the foundation for healthy sleep now. Starting early gives your baby some familiarity and awareness of routines and independent sleep and can make any sleep training in the future go that much smoother.

Will you ask me to let my child ‘cry it out’?

I will never ask you to do anything you are not comfortable with and willing to commit to. Might there be crying during sleep training? Sometimes no, but probably yes. There is no sleep training method that does not produce some amount of protest. Your baby is learning a new skill, which requires some change from your previous way of doing things, and so your baby is simply protesting the change. If your goal for your child is independent sleep, meaning your babe can fall asleep and stay asleep without you feeding/rocking/shushing, then we have to allow them sufficient time to practice doing just that. Just like they need time to practice independently eating and independently walking when they’re ready, it’s all a learning process that we are here to support them through.

Can I sleep train if I’m breastfeeding?

Definitely! Continuing to breastfeed while we establish healthy sleep is absolutely possible and when both mom & baby are well rested it actually enhances the breastfeeding relationship. I am here to fully support you towards your sleep goals, regardless of how you choose to feed your baby.

Can I sleep train if we co-sleep?

The short answer is no; due to safety considerations and other factors, I do not work with co-sleeping families. However, if you are room-sharing and your child has his or her own sleep space, I am happy to help you reach your sleep goals.

I’ve already read every book. How can a sleep consultant help me?

Most of the time, my clients are parents who have already exhausted all the suggestions they’ve received from books, blogs, and their immediate support system but still continue to struggle. That's because there truly is no "one-size-fits-all" approach to sleep challenges. As a pediatric sleep consultant, I have the experience and training to recognize which problems result in specific behaviors and can work with you to develop a customized plan for your family that addresses those individual issues. I also provide extensive guidance and encouragement during the immediate period following our consultation. This is one of the best parts about working with Mindful Mama Peaceful Babe and is a total game-changer when it comes to seeing lifelong sleep success. Not only do I want to get your family sleeping well again, but I also want to ensure that you feel confident in handling your child’s unique sleep needs for years to come.

I have a toddler, is it too late to teach them better sleep?

Not at all. Your child can learn healthy sleep behaviors at any point. While it might take a little longer and be a little more challenging, it is definitely do-able. I would recommend a longer package of two or three weeks for older kiddos, those that are over 2.5 or 3 years old, and/or have already transitioned out of a crib. Plus, many parents find that behavior issues seemingly unrelated to sleep will often improve when their child is well-rested. A child can’t act right if they don’t feel right and often with children, feeling good begins with getting adequate sleep, in both quantity and quality.

Do you charge extra for twins, multiples, siblings?

Twins and multiples can be included in the same package at no extra charge because we will be working from one single sleep plan. Siblings of different ages do require seperate sleep plans and extra consult/follow-up time so there is an additional fee to add a sibling on to any package.

Do you offer any discount for return clients?

Welcome back! and absolutely. Please contact me and let me know what’s going on and we can figure out a support package that will help you get back on track.